tree-render from Garth Laidlaw on Vimeo.
tree-normal-test from Garth Laidlaw on Vimeo.

Current project I'm working on. This is a progress post. My process for creating this was as follows:
1) Concept on paper
2) Zsphere mesh creation in Zbrush
3) Sculpting in Zbrush - soon got frustrated moved to Mudbox instead to sculpt.
4) Machinery aspects creating as separate geometry in Maya - all kept low-res
5) Currently retopologizing mesh in Topogun to reduce poly count to prepare for use in a game engine. I still want to adjust the hi-res mesh, some of the texture is bugging me. As well as make some hi-detail cracks and more wears in the tree. Those circular boils are meant to be moldy areas where the trees been infected with disease. Any advice is always welcome.
This looks great! Now put it in a scene!! Nice work.